Past Awards

YearTitlesName of Award
1969Tokyo Metropolitan Excellent Products Selection CommitteeExcellence Award: 3 works won
1987JPC FIAR Design ContestMinister of International Trade and Industry Award
1987JPC FIAR Platinum and Gold Chain CompetitionGrand Prize Winner
1988JPC FIAR Platinum and Gold Chain CompetitionWorld Gold Council Award
1990JJA Contest, Chain DivisionGrand Prize Winner
1992JJA Contest, Chain DivisionExcellence Award: 3 works won
1995JJA Contest, Chain DivisionGrand Prize Winner
1995JJA ContestReceived the Director-General’s Award of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
1998JJA ContestReceived the Governor of Tokyo Award and the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Award
2000JJC Creative Writing Contest, Division 2Award for Excellence
2002JJA ContestReceived the Director-General’s Award of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
2004JJA Contest, Division IExcellence Award Honorable Mention
2004JJC Creative Writing Contest, Division 2Award for Excellence
2005JJC Creative Writing ContestGrand Prize Winner


1999Three jewelers certified by the Japan Precious Metal Culture and Crafts Cooperative Association (an association recognized by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry).
2005Recognized as Tokyo Meister by the Governor of Tokyo